We Admire the Death of Leaves
Why not our own?
Providing Education and Compassionate Guidance in End of Life Issues
Passionate about end-of-life issues, I’ve spent most of my 48-plus years in nursing focused on improving end-of-life care. Witnessing too often how fear, misinformation, and lack of information can negatively impact decision-making and the dying experience, I have been committed to improving care through education. This is personal as well as professional. I have not only experienced the dying of beloved patients, I have been the daughter, granddaughter, niece, friend, peer, of those who have faced end-of-life challenges, whether the end of a chronic illness or a suicide.
Each experience has revealed the variety of questions, fears, needs, and distress that need to be better addressed. Illness is a dynamic process involving emotional, ethical, and spiritual challenges of everyone involved so that we can help people better talk about and prepare for the end of life in a way that honors their own beliefs, traditions, and desires.
We must inform and empower individuals, families, and healthcare professionals to better talk about and prepare for the end of life in a way that honors their own beliefs and choices.

Mystery, sadness, tension, indecision, dread, relief, worry, anxiety, grief, confusion, conflict, and guilt: Feelings that may accompany the end of life. Each experience reveals a variety of questions, fears, and needs that can be better addressed.
My Workshops & Videos
The workshops I’ve designed are for:
Healthcare providers, clergy, and pastoral care workers, hospice staff and volunteers, counselors, caregivers, and anyone who is or will be impacted by end-of-life issues. That means everyone.
Combining lectures, clinical updates, personal stories, interactive sessions, and experiential techniques, I help participants truly understand the impact of this important work on themselves and others. That means everyone.
For information about my “Straight Talk Series on the End of Life” DVDs, book and other resources, refer to pathwayseol.com
Design your own workshop or event!
Whether to educate and support your own staff, your community, special group, or a combination, I make it easy.
Choosing from a variety of topics, designed to promote knowledge, comfort, and affirmation in a meaningful way, to become effective and compassionate guides for those facing the end of life. It’s a journey we are on together, all of us impacted, all of us learning together.
Full day workshop –
• for your staff and/or your community of helpers, such as healthcare professionals, clergy, volunteers, funeral directors, elder law attorneys, and the like.
Full workshop with evening community event
• an opportunity to also showcase your own work thru your advertisements, information tables, gather data/needs assessments so you can build on this and develop programs based on the data collected.
Two day workshop to allow for more skill building
Add-on options:
• Any of the above with additional monthly support sessions thru the web
• Purchase books or DVD’s for outreach purposes or to provide patients and families. Stamp them with your business name for promotion. 10% discount for orders more than 50.
“A born speaker and effective educator, Tani is truly gifted in her ability to present difficult issues with compassion, verve, and humor, helping others feel at ease. Her trainings are invaluable for those caring for the dying.” – Lance Sholdt, PhD. Stephen Minister & Volunteer

My Education

As a registered nurse since 1976, my patients and families have been the best teachers. I combine their experiences and insight with the science and wisdom of our body to provide simple explanations about the dying process and end-of-life challenges. I believe that dying is a natural part of the life cycle and should be talked about and prepared for with the same respectful attention, knowledge, and caring as other significant rites of passage. My passion is to overcome fear and misinformation with compassionate guidance and education using gentle and respectful approaches. only then can we become trusted guides at such an important time.
Registered Nurse, Arizona State Board of Nursing, 1976
Certified in Medical-Surgical Nursing, 1975
Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying & Bereavement, 1999
Certified in Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 2003
“Winter Into Spring: A New Look at Breast Cancer“, The Compendium, March 1989
Co-Authored “Journey’s End”, a booklet on dying published through Carondelet Health Network
Book – Dying to Know: Straight Talk About Death & Dying, 2006
“From Fear to Understanding – Demystifying the Dying Process”, The ADEC Forum, Vol 36, Issue 1, Jan 2010
“The Missing Piece in End of Life Decision-making”, National Association of elder Law Attorneys – NAELA Healthcare Section Newsletter, Winter 2009 and Spring 2010. Repeated Spring 2012 and Winter 2013
“From Fear to Understanding – Demystifying the Dying Process”, The Advocate, Funerals Consumer Alliance of Piedmont, Feb 2010
“Coping Issues Among People Living With Advanced Cancer”, Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Vol 26, No. 3, August 2010
“On Death & Dying”, Difficult Conversations: Nurses Share Lessons Form Cancer’s Frontline, CURE Media Group, Dallas Texas, 2011
“Talking About the Dying Process: The Persistent Gap in Informed Decision-Making”, Fall/Winter 2018 edition of Arizona Geriatrics Society Journal, Issue: Special Issue: End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Media Productions:
Wrote and produced video, “Living Through Dying: The Struggle for Grace”,
and study guide March 2004
Wrote and produced “The Straight Talk Series on End of Life Issues” which includes
“Facing the Fears – Straight Talk to Families About the Dying Process” (for the professional) and “Facing Your Fears- Straight Talk About the Dying Process” (for families)
September 2006
Honors & Awards:
• Sages of Clinical Services Award from the Center for Nursing Advancement, UnitedHealthcare, Oct. 2013
• University of Arizona College of Nursing 50th Anniversary Homecoming featured speaker, Fall 2009
• The Communicator Awards. Award of Distinction in the category of medical education for the video “Living Through Dying: The Struggle for Grace” 2004
• Honoree representing Carondelet Health Network for “The Promise of Nursing for Arizona” Celebration, Phoenix, April 2004
• Recipient of Ascension Mission Award, “Service of the Poor”, January 2004
• Recipient of Fabulous Fifty Award in Nursing, Tucson, May 2000
• Speaker, Geraldine Newel Lectureship on Scholastic & Clinical Education, University of Arizona College of Nursing 40th Anniversary, March 1998
• Angel Award Nominee, St. Mary’s Hospital, 1997
• Employee of the Month, St. Mary’s Hospital, July 1988
• Recipient for “Excellence in Nursing – Administrative Leadership” AHA Award, St. Mary’s Hospital, 1987
• Nominee for “Excellence in Nursing – Education” AHA Award, ST. Mary’s Hospital, 1986
• Member of Sigma Theta Tau, National Honor Society for Nurses, 1976
• Nominee for Robie Medal Award for Scholastic & Community Achievement, University
Of Arizona College of Nursing, 1975
Received grant thru Community Foundation of Southern Arizona with partners University of Arizona Center on Aging and Pima Council on Aging, to create community coalition to address end of life needs. 2013-2016 – chair. Work group Participant 2016-2018.
Taped numerous talks on a variety of end of life issues for Hospice Education Network, www.hospiceonline.com
Webinars for Relias Learning – Spring & Summer, 2017
Author of Blog, “Dying Well”, for Seven Ponds: Embracing the End of Life Experience, www.Sevenponds.com, 2015-Jan 2018
Contracted with AZHHA (Arizona Hospital & Healthcare Association) as lead trainer to provide Serioius Illness Conversations to professionals statewide, using the Ariadne Model. Nov 2016 to present.
National and Statewide Workshops & Speaking Engagements:
Extensive list available upon request
Career Experience:
Pima County End of Life Coalition July 2013-present
Scientific/Medical Advisory Board Member for Bag-It Jan 2013 – present
Caregiver Consortium 2000-2010
Interfaith Community Nursing 1998-2009
Get in Touch
Please feel free to contact me:
Tani Bahti
4049 E Playa de Coronado Tucson, AZ 85718
email: tani@pathwayseol.com
Tel: (520)-400-0274
For more videos about death and dying you can always visit my Pathways website to read about helpful tools for end-of-life.